Sunday, September 16, 2007

July 28, 2007 - Saturday
Night Owls
Current mood: awake

Saturday usually means that after a long day, we all come home and pass out for a few hours - even Hava. Today, we passed out til now - 10:15 pm! Al got up earlier for a couple of hours, but we didn't even see him. Hava missed dinner and now she and I are up late just hangin' with each other. (She is in my other arm as I type this one-handed.) Every couple of minutes she looks up at me and gives me that huge smile. :o)
Anyway, it's funny which traits kids get from which parent. Hava sleeps late in the morning and will go to bed late if her momma lets her. Sound like someone you all know? Al's in bed - we're the night owls!
Oh, the fun little moments of being Hava's Momma.

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