Sunday, September 16, 2007

July 26, 2007 - Thursday
Current mood: aggravated

Words.....they frustrate me. They are there for us to be able to express ourselves to each other, but many times they don't do their job. I am thinking one thing as I am speaking, and you are hearing another.
I remember going to a poetry reading in college and leaving there with my mouth completely closed. I didn't feel worthy of even talking anymore because I didn't know how to use words so specifically like the poets did. But, you know me, I came out of that hole pretty quickly.
Speaking 2 languages doesn't help anything either....if anything, it gets in the way. I can see myself translating some things I see or hear into the other language to try to understand them. I search deeply into what someone says to see if I can discover what they are "really trying to say."
And I stink at this....One of my goals in life is to be well understood, but the more I talk, the more confused I seem to leave everyone. I will be going along fine, and then I either can't think of a word, think of the word in the wrong language or misuse a word in trying to make myself clearer.
Argh! Words, words, words.......can't live with them....can't live without them....or can we?
So, I know now more than ever, my actions do speak louder...they are more understood. What can I DO to make you understand?

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