Sunday, September 16, 2007

July 25, 2007 - Wednesday
Birthday Minute Kiss
Current mood: grateful

Did you ever see that episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" where Ray's mom would always give him a kiss on the forehead on the minute he was born on each birthday? The one time she didn't do it, everything went wrong.
Well, my baby girl got her "birthday minute kiss" today. At 1:14 pm (13:14) she officially turned 6 months old.
So, I'm all teary-eyed - prepare yourselves:
"Hava, you are my beautiful flower that makes each day worthwhile. I love when you wake every morning and smile so big at me. You make me WANT to face the day. I love when you fall asleep in my arms at night as we talk to Adonai together and sing songs to Him. You make me WANT another day.
Everyone says that when their baby is born, they just know their baby and would never leave the hospital with the wrong one. Actually, I don't feel that way - I couldn't have picked you out of a baby line-up if I tried. You were completely new to me, but I loved you anyway. Since then, I have absolutely LOVED getting to know you. Recognizing your subtleties, knowing your quirks, understanding how to calm your cry, make you laugh, predicting when you will be hungry or sleepy right down to the minute, making you feel protected, introducing you to new things, and knowing exactly when to check your diaper so it doesn't explode! :o)
I don't know how much time the L-rd will grant us together, but I cherish every second. And even if the time we have together is suddenly cut short, it will have been worth it to know you were mine for a time. I do hope, though, that the world is blessed enough to get to know you too.
I love you so deeply, so purely, so unconditionally that I even surprise myself. You're a blessing to my very soul. There is no one, nor will there ever be, like you. You are precious and you are loved.
Happy Birthday, florzinha!"

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