Thursday, May 08, 2008


Ok, so that's not news to any of you. But I have just been so blessed by that big-brown-eyed beauty. And being a parent to a beautiful toddler has fringe ice-breakers; conversation openers...

Hava is and always has been a people person. But the cool thing about that is she can and does easily open conversations for us with SO MANY perfect strangers. It happens all the time...the grocery store, the mall, the park, the doctor's office....every where, and virtually EVERY TIME I have taken her in public since the day she was born. It happened again today. I won't go into the details, they're probably not that interesting to you, but a very precious thing did happen that I wanted to share.

Hava is not only a people person, but also VERY loving...she will randomly come up to any of us here at home and hug us, or kiss us...I have found her many times, coming up and leaning against my leg and planting one big wet one on my thigh. :o) With this particular stranger today, after warming up and sitting in their lap, with no influence whatsoever, our little 15-month-old turned around and threw her arms around this lady and gave her a huge bear moved the lady, but it also moved me.

Oh, how I wish I could love people regardless of knowing the good and bad about them. I wish I could walk up and throw my arms around someone and just let them know that they are loved...just let them feel the love of their Creator through a fellow creation. Hava didn't have to say anything, or understand anything...she didn't have to decide if this stranger needed or deserved her love...she just had plenty to share, so she did.

Any mother knows, there is always a slight hesitation when your baby is near a stranger. You don't want to bother them, but you also don't want them to bother your child. You don't want your child to get in their space, but you also want your child to be a blessing. As I watched from the other side of the room, I held back. I just trusted and knew that Hava belonged to G-d before she belonged to me, so He was watching out for her too (not to say I let her just go up to any and everyone) a few minutes, the lady was holding Hava in her lap, and looking at her tiny fingers. Hava closed her fingers inside the lady's hand. The stranger said: "See how you're little hand fits right inside mine? That's how we all fit inside Jesus' hand."

I didn't know the lady, and she was older so I wasn't afraid of her. But had I gone with my first instinct to not allow Hava to be a "bother" to her, I would have impeded a moment of blessing for all of us there. Conversation opened up and we shared details of our lives...all because of my little people person.

See why I love her? ;o)

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