Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Do you remember a while back when I wrote about facing a battle? Yeah, I've been facing a giant - yet again. And the funny thing is, at the beginning - when the giant first shows up, there's this outrageous fear and trembling that happens within me. Then, when I get a bit of my sense back, I realize that the trepidation comes from myself. The enemy doesn't make me fearful, I do that alone. So, I just try my best to "suck it up." And at that same moment, I am able to see the true size of the giant - he is nothing compared to my G-D. If I truly trust in the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing Creator, the only fear and trembling that I should have is that which belongs to Him. The battle becomes simple, not easy, but simple: I believe, HE conquers and the enemy fails - yet again, and may it always be!

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