Monday, September 22, 2008

The Texture I Love

So, my baby girl is into a new show on tv - Sid, the Science Kid.  Today, the lesson was about textures....what kinds are there and what do you like: rough, hard, soft, scratchy, smooth, etc.  I was thinking to back when I was a kid - I always liked smooth stuff, and actually, I still do.

After the INTENSE trip to Brazil, I was ready to come "home" and "rest."  I thought I could take a couple of weeks off and just get back to "normal."  Man, was I wrong!

On our drive back, we had to fly through the southern states as we were trying to bypass Gustav (the hurricane).  Al and I were talking about getting back to "normal."  Evidently, we believed that "abnormal" was how everyone else lived, and we were the normal ones.  Being over a month completely surrounded by non-believers is very trying, and tiring.  The more we thought about how their lives are chaotic, the more we were thankful for our "normal" life.  And then it hit us - our life is the abnormal one!  The norm is for people to be tempted and fall over and over again.  Until the power of Salvation comes to convict us and protect us from the monotonous sin-FULL life, the norm is to not know what blessing is, since it is so uncommmon.  But those of us who live lives in peace, order and growth - we are experiencing the true blessing.  We might get complacent in realizing that our norm is actually blessing, but it never ceases to be abundant blessing.  That's why our Savior said he came to give life, and life in this world, we will have troubles, but we have no fear for He has overcome the world!!!

So, I like my smoooooth ride.  I like my "abnormally" blessed life.  And here I was trying to "relax" after already having come back.  A couple of days ago, the LORD completely caught my attention - it was one of those moments that I could have sworn His voice was almost audible:
"What do you mean, you need to relax???  Do you really think you ever get a break from the spiritual?  Yes, you can rest in me, but you don't get a break from being a spiritual being.  Things will happen all around you all the time, and you have to maintain your guard.  Watch and pray.  Those who do not live in blessing need to be blessed by you, your life and your prayers.  You don't get a break from them.  But, remember, it is ME in you who does the work.  So, as much as I love you, you still have to keep up the is not over quite yet."

Yeah, I like things to be smooth, to go smoothly, but I'll make it even when the ride is rough and uncomfortable....and I am thankful to be back to my "abnormal" life!

1 comment:

The Hibbard Family said...

Abnormality IS a grand things, isn't it? :-) Our incredible Father has been whispering such sweet things to me over the last few months as well...