Saturday, March 15, 2008


It happened within an increment of a second...the quick, but obvious message to me. I didn't see it coming, I can't deny that it happened. A still, small voice spoke to me and said:

"You are loved, now listen-
Things can't be as you have planned,
Although your plans came from an earnest heart,
Although they were good and honest plans,
They were your plans, not Mine.

I will not disclose to you every detail of My plans,
But I will pour this peace over you.
Let go of your ideas; your plans.

Hold fast to this:
I have plans for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future.
Seek first the Kingdom,
And all these things will be added to you."

And the split second was over. Tears came to my eyes. The conversation continued, but with my response to the overwhelming still, small voice.

Ok, as You wish.
Crush my plans if they are not Yours.
Break me if I am not in Your will.
Do not allow me to step in Your way,
To unknowingly undermine a perfect plan.
Lead me on the straight and narrow.
I will endure the pain, for my pain is Your glory.
Be glorified.

It was an intense second of time....the conversation with the still, small voice.